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Ebonite Demo Days comes to Atlanta, GA
Doug Becker - Dannial Cohen - Steven Vance - Mike Sargent

Striking Results Pro Shop hosted its latest bowling ball product line with  EBONITE DEMO DAYS, where bowlers were allowed to come in and “test-drive” the newer line of Ebonite Bowling Balls.


Interchangeable thumb slugs and finger grips were used, along with an expert staff from Ebonite to fit the Demo Balls to YOUR hand.  This allowed bowlers to go and pick out a lane at the bowling center, and then test-drive the ball(s) of choice to actually see the ball reaction for themselves with their particular style applied.  New balls included The Complete NV, The Playmaker, The One, and all of the latest bowling balls by Ebonite International.


Greg Black Jr. Bowls 4 Perfect 300 Games & 4 800 series’ in a Week!


Congratulations to Mr. Greg Black Jr. for bowling his 52nd 300 game at AMF Marietta Lanes on Sun., Sept 14th on a “Sports Shot” in The 2008 RealBowlers Championship. 


Then, 24 hours later he bowled his 53rd 300 at Forest Park Fun Bowl during league play early in the day, along with an 803 Series, and another 300 (54th 300) during an evening league in Lawrenceville, GA.


Sept. 16th he did it again! Greg bowled his 55th 300, along with an 804 Series at Brunswick Zone Marietta.  He then shot a 299 game September 18th at Metro Lanes with an 825 series. And, unbelievable as it may sound, to come full-circle to Sunday, Sept 21, Greg bowled 809 at Midtown Lanes in Atlanta. Inconceivable Bowling!


Big Congratulations to Lucy Sandelin – winner of The 2008 Atlanta Ladies Classic Scratch Bowling Tournament. 

In the Championship Match, Ms. Sandelin defeated Melinda Craig 254 to 204.



Practice Makes Perfect?  Yes! Charles “Chase” Jones rolled his 1st USBC Sanctioned 300 game in the Tuesday Night League at Pin Strikes Bowling Center in Stockbridge, GA.


After Ending the Summer League with a 299 game – and then practicing, practicing, and then practicing some more to get ready for the fall/winter league season – it all paid off Tuesday, September 9th as Chase finally shot his first sanctioned 300-game


Chase joyfully adds, “I told myself to “cut” the game into 3 strikes at a time - to make it mentally easy, and just roll the ball.  Honestly, I was really blessed, because the 11th shot was so horrible, but somehow all the pins fell – maybe it was the “I Bowl Strikes! T-Shirt” (laughing).  But serious, I really must thank Dannial Cohen and Striking Results Pro Shop because this was the first game I bowled after getting my Ebonite Complete NV back from having all of the oil removed and professionally cleaned so the ball would react like it was new again – and it really worked!” 


Read More about Professional Oil removal and cleaning.

Jhamall McGaughy

Exceptional bowling by Jhamall McGaughy, who rolled a perfect 300 Game and an 802 Series at Midtown Bowl in Atlanta Sept. 21st during League play.  Jhamall is also one of the 1st Atlanta bowlers to get new bowling equipment sponsored by and iBowlStrikes® Shirts. Great Bowling Sir!



Roger Butler puts on a show at the 7th Annual Atlanta Seniors Classic on the last day of the event.  Roger ("B-Boy") rolled 21 straight strikes to take over the lead in the singles event.  With the Ebonite NV, he bowled games of 290-288-267 for an 845 series.

Congratulations Mr. Butler! Incredible Bowling sir! Cool

Franco Choy - 821 Series (278,253,290)

The last night of bowling in the Tuesday Night Triple Threat League at Pin Strikes Lanes in Stockbridge, GA brought out the best for many league members. 


Franco Choy led the pack with games of 278-253-290 for an 821 series.  AWESOME!!   ...Charles "Chase" Jones threw 11 strikes-in-a-row for a 299 game...he said Franco, who was bowling next to him, motivated him to stay focused...Roger Butler rolled triplicate games of 247-247-247 for a 741 series.  WHAT A WAY TO END THE SUMMER SESSION GUYS...CYA next summer.



Greg Black Jr. - 300 game - click below

On the last night of Summer League at Metro Lanes’ Realbowlers Wednesday Night Trio, Greg Black shot a (another) perfect 300 game. 


Question… “…Why hasn’t someone like Nelly, or the owners of Metro Lanes …or SOMEBODY come forth to sponsor Greg on the PBA Regional Tour?”  They have the money… and Greg’s got the skills!

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CONGRATULATIONS to Michael Heim who rolled a perfect 300 game in the Atlanta Seniors Classic at Brunswick Zone Austell on the last day of competition.  His 300 game led the team of Sam Thompson, Debra Broadie, and Randal Lawrence to first place in team event.  GREAT BOWLING!!!