Car InsuranceLow Car RatesHow To Save On Auto Insurance

How to Keep Your Car Insurance Rates Low

Automobile insurance rates are calculated in different ways to determine driver risk. A high-risk driver will have an elevated car insurance rate, while low-risk drivers will pay a lower premium.

The following things should be considered to calculate rates:


According to studies, teen and elderly drivers are more likely to have an accident. Insurance companies also consider the possibility of your vehicle being stolen. Expensive cars are stolen more often, especially expensive sports cars. Your previous accidents will also make you a high-risk driver. If you are liable for a lot of accidents, some insurance companies may not insure you.


Where you live is a big factor.

If you live in a high-populated area, your insurance rate will be higher. Most don't realize this, but taking a Drivers Education Course will lower your rate. This wil also help you to become a better defensive driver.

Use 1 Company for all of your insurance.

Insuring your home and properties together with your car with 1 provider will get you discounts. This applies to multiple cars too. Insuring all cars under one company lower the rate.

Last, closing advice: Avoid getting into accidents; less injuries means less insurance claims.

By Mark Dacanay - Visit to help you understand car accident insurance rate. Call us toll free for legal assistance. Article Source:

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